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*born in a snowstorm, circa february 1994

*favorite color – green 

*favorite food – snails (drowned in butter and garlic)

*likes Bill and Ted

Growing up on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, Alex was raised with a distinct point-of-view that balances a curiosity for the unknown with the grit required to find out exactly what lies over the horizon. Thus, his early work reflects that contrast, exploring the relationship between the beauty of Mother Nature and the individuals who push themselves within her most extreme environments. Alex cut his teeth freelancing on documentary and branded projects with Redbull Media House, ESPN, Powder Magazine, and Forbes.

Alex holds an MFA in producing from The American Film Institute Conservatory in Los Angeles. In addition to developing a slate of his own projects, he straddles responsibility as both a producer at 1993, and a development executive at Gravel – a production company spearheaded by Jay Carson (The Morning Show, The Front Runner) and Lije Sarki (The Peanut Butter Falcon). 

In addition to his work in film/tv, Alex represents the environmental and educational non-profit organization, Alpine Initiatives as an ambassador and team member. Alpine Initiatives connects people and mountains by fostering authentic experiences that pull you from the familiar to the untamed, nourishing both the body and the mind.

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